
Edcamps are a “bottom up” way of organizing and sharing ideas.


In class we did a mini Edcamp, my group discussed our favourite teachers. It was nice to have an open dialogue and we found a lot of commonality among the teachers who inspired us:

  1. Allowing autonomy and freedom

I fear this because if the structure is not in place it could be abused or non-productive.

2. Acting ridiculous/humorous

This can and will be done.

3. Appreciating students for who they are

Appreciating students is one of the biggest challenges for me. I love people and I can generally find something I like in anyone, but sometimes people will really rub me the wrong way. I have been working on this as a firefighter for the last six years, but I still struggle when I find myself confronted with people I don’t see eye-to-eye with. I will have to deal with it when it comes up and hope I have learnt from my previous experience.

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